Friday, August 24, 2012

Labor Inducing Foods and Recipes

My friend Alexis is on the verge on having her new little one, and I wanted to dedicate this post to her.  When you're that close to the end of your pregnancy, we often look for creative ways to help our bodies get that labor process moving along.  With my last baby, I was stuck in the early stages of labor for 2 weeks!

There are all sorts of labor inducing ideas and activities out there.  My favorites have always been labor inducing foods and recipes.  It is important to understand that if your body isn't ready for labor, these methods will not work.  You should always wait until you are full term and your Dr has given you the green light to try bringing on labor on your own.

(click on the links below for the recipes)

I tried  these, and I actually liked them.  They reminded me of spicy ginger snaps.  Once you've baked the cookies, you are suppose to eat as many as you possibly can.  The combination of the spices are suppose to help trigger contractions.  Be warned though, these cookies also make you poop.  Make sure you have a bathroom near by.  

I wanted to try this, but sadly I couldn't find eggplant in any of the stores around me.  According to one clerk I asked, there was an eggplant shortage.  I did make the sauce though and used it to make a lasagna, and I thought it was tasty.

I really liked this link.  The eggplant parmigiana and the labor inducing cookies are including on this list as well as 7 other foods that are suppose to help bring on labor (with links to recipes).  

I had fun with my attempts to bring on labor.  I even threw a "Get This Baby Out of Me" Party.  I served a variety of labor inducing foods (including pineapple and lasagna made with the eggplant parm sauce).  Everyone shared their tips and tricks of things to do to help further my labor along (sex was always the most popular  We played games on the Wii for hours hoping the constant movement would work.  In the end none of it worked for me, but it was fun giving everything a try.  

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